Welcome to 21st-century neo-Tokyo, a vast metropolis built on the ashes of a Tokyo annihilated by an apocalyptic blast of unknown origin that triggered World War III. The lives of two streetwise teenage friends, Tetsuo and Kaneda, change forever when dormant paranormal abilities begin to waken in...
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Welcome to 21st-century neo-Tokyo, a vast metropolis built on the ashes of a Tokyo annihilated by an apocalyptic blast of unknown origin that triggered World War III. The lives of two streetwise teenage friends, Tetsuo and Kaneda, change forever when dormant paranormal abilities begin to waken in Tetsuo, who becomes a target for a shadowy government agency who will stop at nothing to prevent another catastrophe like that which leveled Tokyo. At the core of their motivation is a raw, all-consuming fear of an unthinkable, monstrous power known only as...Akira.
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Format: hardcover
9780760758595 (076075859X)
Publish date: August 11th 2004
Publisher: Barnes & Noble
Pages no: 359
Edition language: English
Science Fiction,
Asian Literature,
Sequential Art,
Graphic Novels,
Comic Book,
Japanese Literature
Series: Akira Collection (#1)
If there is one thing when it comes to anime, people will always remember Akira. When it comes to manga, this is a one read people should invested on. I love Akira personally because of its sheer epic story of man versus Godhood and any thing that writes about power, this is the book people of all r...
That awkward moment when you go to read Vol. 4 and the "the story so far" doesn't sound familiar at all because it's literally been years since you read Volumes 1-3. So this is technically a re-read, but it almost feels like a first time read because it's been soooo long. I can't believe how much I...
I recently re-watched the Akira movie and came to the conclusion that the movie seems to leave a lot of questions unanswered and some really ambiguous. I'm sure some of this is completely intentional on Otomo's part, but with almost 2000 pages of graphic novel, I'm sure much of the story had to be l...