by Sue Saliba
A pet peeve of mine is bad grammar. So can you understand why I felt the need to throw this book against a brick wall everytime I read a sentence. I mean, SERIOUSLY! Is it so hard to spell Ethan with a capital letter instead ethan?! AAARGH!!!!
Alaska by Sue Saliba is a gorgeous book. From the beautiful cover art to the lyrical, emotive language, it's a delight to hold and devour. Alaska tells the story of Mia, a Melbourne student who defers Year 12 to live with her sister, Em, in Alaska while their mother is in hospital. Once close to her...
3.5 starsSome books shout from the page, strident and bold, demanding to be heard. Other books whisper in your ear. Almost as if to say: ‘Come closer. I have something to tell you.’ So you lean in, sink into the words, and let yourself be submerged. Alaska is one of the latter. It is a quiet, seem...