by Howard L. Anderson
Having escaped from Australia's Adelaide Zoo, an orphaned platypus named Albert embarks on a journey through the outback in search of "Old Australia," a rumored land of liberty, promise, and peace. What he will find there, however, away from the safe confinement of his enclosure for the first time s...
On the one hand I'd be really curious to read this, being from Adelaide and having spent many a pleasant day out at the Adelaide Zoo. A good friend of mine even got married in the butterfly garden there.Then I realised the author wasn't an Australian. Then I saw that the giveaway was only open to Am...
I think this book comes across better if you know the poetry of [a:Banjo Patterson|6551148|Banjo Patterson|/assets/nophoto/nophoto-U-50x66-251a730d696018971ef4a443cdeaae05.jpg]. In many ways the story in the second half is weak, though the first part of the book was enjoyable enough. It is part tr...
Phineas and Ferb - Does this Duckbill Make Me Look Fat - Full Episode
Ok, I'm giving this book 4 stars even though the writing's nothing special because it takes place in Australia and there are all kinds of cool animals. There are wombats, bandicoots, wallabies, kangaroos, a platypus,a possum, a raccoon, dingoes, and a tasmanian devil! The hero of the story is Albert...
Just makes you want to break into song, don't it?"Mind me platypus duck, Bill, Mind me platypus duck.Don't let him go running amuck, Bill, Just mind me platypus duck."