Albert Speer
Birth date: March 19, 1905
Died: September 01, 1981
Albert Speer's Books
bookshelves: fraudio, summer-2015, tbr-busting-2015, nonfiction, autobiography-memoir, history, nazi-related, war, wwii, weapon-evolution, published-1969, architecture, art-forms, dodgy-narrator Read from February 02, 2014 to August 07, 2015 Description: Written by Hitler's Minister of Armament...
I think this was a very well done biography. The history of course is slanted but it is easy to see how a man who is interested in his career turns a blind eye to everything else. It is a good reminder for everyone.
In 1989, during my Peace Corps service, I came across the book "INSIDE THE THIRD REICH" quite by surprise and could not put it down. I read it for hours nonstop.The story that Speer relates here of his life and career in the Third Reich, first as Hitler's architect, and later as the Minister for Arm...