by Karen Cushman
I loved this book. I loved Meggy and her smart-aleckyness, I loved the description of the way she walks and could actually picture it in my head. I loved how Meggy changed & grew over the course of the novel(in just the way I was hoping). This is just the sort of book I enjoyed as a child and sti...
I loved this book. I loved Meggy and her smart-aleckyness, I loved the description of the way she walks and could actually picture it in my head. I loved how Meggy changed & grew over the course of the novel(in just the way I was hoping). This is just the sort of book I enjoyed as a child and sti...
by Karen CushmanOpening line: "'Ye toads and vipers,' the girl said, as her granny often had, 'ye toads and vipers,' and she snuffled a great snuffle that echoed in the empty room."Is that not a marvelous opening sentence? And the rest of the book doesn't disappoint. I read Alchemy and Meggy Swann r...
I enjoyed this quick read, even though it didn't wow me like Cushman's earlier works did. I think kids who read it would find Meggy's situation and the cruelty she experiences to be so foreign (and maybe consider how fortunate they are). I don't love the cover - realistic faces that aren't photograp...
The best thing about the book is what a total, whiny, complainer Meggy is at the beginning. Because Meggy has a disability, and her life is hard, I really appreciate that she isn't held up as the model cripple like Tiny Tim. And of course I love the Elizabethan London setting, with the alchemist a...