Well, this is of course, brilliant. But why? It occurs to me that the world Gaiman set up for himself was in fact the perfect tool for him: He could incorporate any mythology, religion, genre, location or time and still make it all self-consistent, hence allowing his imagination to go wherever it wa...
Pod wpływem impulsu postanowiłem odświeżyć sobie jakąś pozycję, którą czytałem bardzo dawno temu. Myślałem o Wiedźminie ale wtedy mój wzrok padł na najniższą półkę, gdzie trzymam komiksy. A tam stoi sobie kompletny Sandman. Zacząłem go zbierać na studiach i zajęło mi to około dwóch lat. W tedy na s...
When you start having dreams that you're in the world of the book you're reading, the author's doing something right.
It's impossible to know what to expect in the Sandman series. Such great characters and fantastic storylines. Thoroughly entertaining.
Oh don't worry, 'Sandman's still good. The series simply couldn't sustain the level of the first 20 issues or the superb "Season of Mists" and "A Game of You" arcs found in 'Absolute Sandman, Vol. 2'.Collecting issues #40-56, plus the usual bonus features, the two arcs here are "Brief Lives" and "Wo...
Oh, cool. A reality storm, and a group of random characters telling stories around the table at the inn to pass the time while they all wait it out. Gaiman's range is so broad it meets again on the other side.The stories are diverse and intriguing, with all the satisfaction inherent in weird tales, ...
I picked this up and started reading it the moment I finished volume 2. I hardly remember what was what anymore, and since it's all really one big story it hardly matters. I have read Sandman through at least four times (I've read individual storylines or even individual issues even more than that) ...
A collection of stories with the linking device of one of those pubs with doors that open on other worlds and other times which show up in fantasy stories on a regular basis. This felt kind of disconnected from the main narrative of Sandman, almost like a story arc from a different series that is c...