Alex Capus
Birth date: July 23, 1961
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Obwohl es mir bei diesem Roman etwas schwer fiel, in die Geschichte von Léon und Louise reinzukommen, ist er dennoch die 5 Sterne wert. Beide Hauptcharaktere haben jeweils eine sehr ergreifende, eigene Geschichte und werden immer wieder mit Schicksalsschlägen konfrontiert, die ihnen immer wieder Ste...
I just couldn't get into it. It seemed like the start was interesting, but the writing felt rather bland and flat, so I gave up.
The best writing here is in the long letters Louise writes to Leon. They have a liveliness and humor that is absent in the rest of the novel.
Leon and Louise was a joy to read, one of those stories that I want to climb into and live inside. I could hear the squeaky bicycle chain and see the French landscape, with the trees fluttering in the breeze and waves lapping the hulls of boats. I loved spending time with Leon as he navigated a l...