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This is just splendid: a lot of storylines are coming together, and it's beautiful to watch it all in one go. I think I'm gonna reread all this next year, too, to be honest.
I find the switching between MTMtE and RiD, to be honest, distracting, mostly because it doesn't feel like you're reading one continuous story. It feels like distracting POV jumps. Still, this is such an excellent collection, I only knocked off one fourth of a star. The other fourth is for two...
Spotlight Galvatron I found this one confusing. I mean, I got what happened, but the other Spotlights were more clear in where they stood in the overall universe, or at least felt more self-contained. I also wasn't digging the art as much on this one as many others. Spotlight Blaster Blaste...
This collection has a phase two, starting with the sister series More Than Meets the Eye (MTMtE) and Robots in Disguise (RiD). It also had series like Till All Are One, the Windblade series - the miniseries and short series that was supposed to be an ongoing from what I understand - and some non-c...
Classic MTMtE vibe, with Ultra Magnus writing a 'self-help book with strict penalties for non-compliance', Drift and Ratchet doing their Spock and McCoy routine, and that surprise ending with Ten. Just fabulous fun, and I found that I was missing the whole crew, and how MTMtE felt. It's good t...