Alexander Hartung lives in his hometown of Mannheim, Germany, with his wife and young son. He discovered his love of thrillers and historical fiction while studying economics, and published his first novel, The Revenge of the Inquisitor, in the spring of 2010. Until the Debt is Paid follows...
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Alexander Hartung lives in his hometown of Mannheim, Germany, with his wife and young son. He discovered his love of thrillers and historical fiction while studying economics, and published his first novel, The Revenge of the Inquisitor, in the spring of 2010. Until the Debt is Paid follows hard-partying detective Jan Tommen through Berlin, a city the author previously called home.5 Questions For Alexander Hartung1. What is your writing process like? I'm very structured. I write a long exposé including the whole plot, all characters, and the places where the different scenes will take place. I also finish my research concerning medical details, police procedures, and legal topics before I start with the first scene.2. What does it means to you to be published in English translation? The English translation is the fulfillment of a dream. It's hard to explain what it is like when you reached your goal after a long march. "Going international" could be the beginning of a great adventure and I will enjoy every moment of it.3. What has been your favorite moment as an author? Meeting the readers. It's interesting to talk with them about my work or general about crime fiction. I like reviews, but nothing is so great like a personal meeting when a reader is telling you that he loves your work.4. Who is your favorite author whose works are available in English?There are too many to list all of them. To keep it short I will choose just five.James Patterson - my favorite crime fiction author. I'm a big fan of the Alex Cross series.Stephen King - His books were always part of my life as a reader. A great storyteller who creates unforgettable characters.Jim Butcher - I love the "Dresden files". The perfect mix of hard-boiled detective fiction, supernatural elements and great humor. A good example that a series can still be entertaining after 15 novels.Arthur Miller - Of all his great novels "The Crucible" impressed me the most.Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games. Nothing further need be said.5. What is your favorite word? Serendipity. Besides the sound of the word, serendipity is part of my writing process. Sometimes an interesting person, a weird fact or a fascinating place is coming your way by chance and inspires you to a great scene or even a great story.More about the author on Facebook:
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