It's more like I understand the essay so little. Oh well at least I've read it. Maybe one day I'll be able to understand it betterUPDATE: this study guide helps a little
Didn't read everything in this, but the works I covered (An Essay on Criticism, An Essay on Man, The Rape of the Lock, Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady, Eloisa to Abelard, To Richard Boyle) were pretty nice. I'll probably come back for Dunciad later.Endnotes were on my nerve as always, so ...
I liked the idea of the audio book, but I was disappointed to find the reader talked about the poetry, reciting only a few lines of each poem rather than reading the entire poem. My cat appreciated the bird songs, though.
We read excerpts of this. It was...uh....interesting to say the least.
I should read this someday too.
A lot of people have no patience for Alexander Pope, but I think he was a delightful smart ass, and he is one of my favorite old timey poets almost solely because of it. Also, I don't really like poets, so that might have something to do with it.
On the whole, I did enjoy reading this poem, although I found it very difficult to read. I've heard before that it's very hard to comprehend the first time around, and I would have to agree. Although I did find it humorous, I'm not sure that I pciked up on all of the jokes and satire, even with th...
To be honest, I read this so fast I barely remember any of it. I remember it was fairly enjoyable but I also remember I read this on a day where we only had an hour to read five things so to say I was rushed is an understatement.
Thank you, Pope, for writing a parody in prose. When one studies English literature from Chaucer through Eliot, one really appreciates a humorous poem. The world needs more.