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Alexander Pushkin - Community Reviews back

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Merle rated it 5 years ago
There’s a little sense of dissonance when I read a classic and my response is “huh, okay.” This is especially true when I read the classic in translation; in this case, the translation is very smooth, contemporary, and easy to read, which causes its own form of dissonance. These now feel like contem...
Romance and other things
Romance and other things rated it 9 years ago
Ivan Petrovich Belkin left behind a great number of manuscripts.... Most of them, as Ivan Petrovich told me, were true stories heard from various people. First published anonymously in 1830, Alexander Pushkin’s Tales of Belkin contains his first prose works. It is comprised of an introductory note ...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 10 years ago
bookshelves: published-1837, floods, st-petersburg, poetry, classic, e-book, spring-2015 Recommended to Bettie☯ by: Natasha's Dance Read from May 28 to 30, 2015 Alexandre Benois's illustration to the poem (1904).a narrative poem written by Alexander Pushkin in 1833 about the equestrian statue ...
What I am reading
What I am reading rated it 10 years ago
Puškin is for Russians what Shakespeare is for the English. And Eugen Onegin is probably Puškin’s most famous play – and, I guess, it‘s a good book for a review on Valentine‘s Day.Eugen Onegin is one of the love stories I like, because there is no cliché happy ending. You can call me rude or weird o...
philoSophie rated it 10 years ago
This is essentially the first work by Pushkin that I read and it was quite a ride!First and foremost, Pushkin is a symbol, a myth, he is noted as the father of russian literature, and justly. He has multifaceted work that extends from lyrical poems to novels. Specifically, this work, aside from the ...
chrispu rated it 11 years ago
Chyba już to gdzieś czytałem? Tylko gdzie? A... już wiem. U Sienkiewicza w "Ogniem i mieczem". To było moje pierwsze spostrzeżenie po przeczytaniu kilku pierwszych rozdziałów. Czyli wykorzystywanie cudzej twórczości wcześnie się zaczęło (w tym przypadku Sienkiewicz od Puszkina). I nie mam mu tego za...
AnnaMatsuyama rated it 11 years ago
Pushkin's tale about forty princesses born without vaginas.
tuirgin rated it 11 years ago
First a caveat—this is more of a preliminary evaluation of the book than a proper review. I will eventually give it its proper due. Being a long-time reader of works in translation, I know how important it is to find a worthwhile translation before beginning the reading of any particular work. Poor...
Lagniappe Literature
Lagniappe Literature rated it 11 years ago
Prerazmišljavanje rated it 11 years ago
Od razvodnjenog i raspatetisanog "Sužnja", preko pokušaja dramatičnosti u kom ne uspeva "Mocart i Salijeri", do idealno narodnjačke "Zimske večeri" koja se sama čita glasom Miroslava Ilića, zbirka je sataraš. Hranljiv i jestiv, ali ja bih to drugačije. Meni su, uz Zimsko veče, najbliže: (K***) E...
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