DNF. I.just.can't. Book # 8 in the Wallace series (written in 1939) sees the MC, a secret service agent, pimp himself out for King and country - with an inner monologue that reminds me of Bond's thoughts in From Russia with Love. I still hate that book. Maybe it is a mood thing, maybe I could...
Wallace at Bay was my first encounter with Wallace, chief of the Secret Service, and it was not great. Maybe I should have started at the beginning of the series, but I somehow doubt that this would have changed anything because my issues with the book are not about the lack of background or setting...
Ah the 1930's, a spectre of war looming, racism being rampant, sexism oozing out if it's pores, who wouldn't want to go back there. This provides an interesting window into the era and the politics of the time, later spies would have no qualm of conscience about shooting unarmed miscreants but this...