Its tagged as horror which it definately is not, it's an average mystery with mean girl teen drama. A-Z Challenge - Author's first name.
***Spoilers ahead you have been warned*** What really got me turning the pages in this book was the horror and mystery aspect. It set the mood and the setting perfectly. It certainly gave you the necessary thrills and chills to keep you interested in the book. There’s some supernatural element to ...
This is my last review for the next couple of weeks *plays the world’s smallest violin*, and unlike the title of this book, I don’t really have a lot to say about it. Which is why this is probably going to be the longest review ever anyways…The blurb sounded so promising. I haven’t read many YA thri...
I had a hard time deciding how I felt about this one. I liked the story itself but I had a hard time relating to the characters. It's a creepy story about the old disappearance of two young girls, Stella and Jeanie, and how one of them got away. It is a YA book and one of those that really highlight...
3.5 stars..."If you hunt for monsters, you'll find them."I had a hard time deciding how I felt about this one. I liked the story itself but I had a hard time relating to the characters. It's a creepy story about the old disappearance of two young girls, Stella and Jeanie, and how one of them got awa...
***This review has also been posted on The Social PotatoThe Creeping was a novel I was initially very excited about but when I dove in, I had a hard time really connecting to the characters. I LOVED the creepiness of it, and the dark atmosphere but when it came to the characters, there was only one ...