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Alfred Bruce Douglas
Birth date: October 22, 1870
Died: March 20, 1945
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Qwallath rated it 13 years ago
Thoughts on Wilde's 'Salome' and other Salomé-related art can be found in my essay: < http://www.eveningoflight.nl/subspecie/2012/04/16/fatale-the-history-of-salome/ >.
linakv rated it 13 years ago
My teacher picked this for me, because he thought the role of Salome was fitting for my personality. It might be, 'cause I enjoyed her as a character... if you look away from the fact that she actually murdered the man she loved.
Lavinia rated it 14 years ago
As one can easily guess, Wilde gives his own interpretation of the biblical story of Salome / John the Baptist. Even more than the play itself (actually a lot more) I like love Aubrey Beardsley's illustrations. In fact I love Aubrey Beardsley. Period.Check out the rest of the illustrations here .
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