I'm a Jean Monnet Professor of Citizenship Education in Europe. I'm also an Emeritus Professor at London Metropolitan University, where I'm attached on a part-time basis to the Institute of Policy Studies in Education (IPSE). I was the first Director of IPSE (2000-2009), and also established...
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I'm a Jean Monnet Professor of Citizenship Education in Europe. I'm also an Emeritus Professor at London Metropolitan University, where I'm attached on a part-time basis to the Institute of Policy Studies in Education (IPSE). I was the first Director of IPSE (2000-2009), and also established the Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe Academic Network for the European Commission in 1998, and directed this till 2008. My interests are in researching and promoting policies for social justice and equity in education, including work on * how young people learn about and actively participate in society ('citizenship education'), * how they identify with particular locations and institutions (including their country and Europe); * achieving representative education professions, and * ensuring access and achievement in education for all social groups. Do visit my website at http://www.alistairross.euor if you wish contact me - it may take time before I reply, but I will get back to you - e-mail {a.ross[at]londonmet.ac.uk} a.ross[at]londonmet.ac.uk
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