A dark fic in which 15 year old omega Jared is forcibly mated by Alpha Jeff Morgan. Poor Jared who had hoped to attend college soon realizes that Jeff only wants a submissive pet. Fic feels unfinished, no hea.
An excellent dark fanfic continuing this series. Told from Jared's pov as he is held hostage by Jensen's mobster family after Jensen is abducted by the rival Pellegrino gang. Things just go from bad to worse for poor Jared.'Lowering his expectations had done wonders for Jared’s state of mind. All he...
An excellent sequel to "An Expensive Fantasy." Jared is imprisoned in a basement studying 'Dungeon 101' while Dom Jensen prepares a place for them to continue Jared's education.
A well written fanfic in which Jared is an empath tortured by other people's thoughts. Both Misha and Jensen compete for his affection while a serial killer is on the loose.
Jensen's pov on "So Very Like A Grave" including what happened next.