by Mary Downing Hahn
I really liked this book, though it had some slow moments, it also scared me a bit at some parts. The reason I gave a 4 star? Because I frankly got a bit tired of all the whining about them raising the ghosts and them being bad and boohoo. I get it, they were bad, they did something wrong, now can w...
All the Lovely Bad Ones was actually a good book. It pleasantly surprised me. Travis and Cory go to their grandma's home- which happens to be the inn she owns- for the summer. They hear stories of how the inn is supposedly haunted so they play pranks on the guests, making them believe the inn really...
For me, personally, this book was a bit young for me. But for younger kids, llke, from the ages 7 to maybe 11, this is a great ghost story.
Actual rating: 3 1/2 stars. I'd say the age group this is aimed at--roughly 9-12 years old--will find this to be a delightfully creepy, yet touching read. I know a couple of kids in that age range. I can't wait to pass the book on to them to see what they think of it. Reading this as an adult, y...
Not very well fleshed out, I thought the story dragged, and it wasn't until I was almost half way through, that I was truly interested in what happened next. The ghost story part wasn't very scary - the truly chilling bit was how all the lovely bad ones had been treated before their death - that did...
One of the fifth grade girls at my school has been begging me to read this so here I go!