It's easy to mock the author. Rock music leads to promiscuous sex, sex is bad when it has no consequences, blacks stick together, "no fault insurance, no fault divorce, and no fault sex" leads to lessening of our values, romantic love is dead, and so on, but that's not the reason he wrote the book a...
I read this book as research for a writing project of my own. Once finished, I had no idea how I ought to rate it. There is some brilliant writing here, and I highlighted some eminently quotable passages. Certainly I can now understand why the French adore some of Rousseau's ideas about education. B...
Utter rubbish. Did any of the predictions come true? His conclusions are already outdated. An old fart pining for the "good ol' days." A 19th century education is no longer relevant. The good old days were merely old not necessarily any better, and by definition half the people in the world are...
It seems somewhat silly to rate The Republic. Despite what one thinks about the book, it’s impact is unquestionable on Western thought. There is temptation to give it 5 stars with little elaboration to hint at its profound transfer of wisdom or 1 star to show how modern thought has made Plato irre...
You know what's wrong with education these days? Grumpy old men complaining about one single issue as if the problems of inner-city schools, rural schools, and rich suburban schools are all exactly the same. There are more than 15 thousand school districts in the US, and I am sick to death of people...