Love what DC is doing with the mother boxes, the singularity, AI, and it's a breath of fresh air to see a doppleganger/hero gone bad without it being tied to nazis. So much fun!
The singularity promises that humanity will die and the machines will rise. Oh, you big tease. You know that's not going to happen. I was sucked into this story, as Vic and Sarah try to take down Anomoly, and Black Narcissus fights her board - just a little - as she uses her company's R&D toys to...
But I had a hard time getting into this. Once I did, there was a lot about the Singularity, Anomoly, and what can be done to humans - with or without their consent. In addition, there's a parallel story where Sarah gives Cyborg information - and maybe has been controlling his boom tubes. (Which...
A young woman who was undercover gets injured so severely by a terrorist attack - in a foreign country - that she can only be saved by duplicating the procedure that created Cyborg. Normally, the US would let this go: it's a tragedy and she's a hero. Creating Cyborg was traumatic for everyone, i...