his is the fourth book in the Ghostly Southern Mystery series. All four books have been released this year, starting in March. Since this one seems to be the last, at least for the immediate future, they are a perfect length for binge reading the series so far. And as the events in the books take ...
i suppose there'll never be any tracking how this gamebook, priced, accordingly, at $25 us or thereabouts ended up in a used book store off East Nanjing Road in Shanghai spring of 2012, but in any case, it did, and for $3 or $5 or whatever, providing a couple hours' delight at what is an obviously w...
Nerd Alert!Back in the early to mid-nineties, Dungeons and Dragons was a favorite pastime of mine. Hundreds of hours were spent in imaginary worlds, killing monsters and stealing their gear. A few summers ago, I was feeling nostalgic and picked up a few adventures for some light reading. Wildspac...