I really liked how this book began when the female main character was a young child. An innocent gesture of a very curious little girl causes a blood bond to be formed between herself and a vampire who lives next door. Everyone he kills while feeding she has a nightmare about the act. The vampire fe...
4 stars! This was a good New Adult-ish hot romantic suspense.*ARC provided to G the Book Diva Blog in exchange for an honest review*SEE GIVEAWAY LINK BELOW! Sara returns to her hometown to live with her dad and finish out her senior year of high school. She is surprised to find that her dad has beco...
This is the third novel that I have read by Ms. Allie Gail and she hasn’t failed to keep my attention and curiosity piqued till the very end. Being one of her beta readers as well, I enjoyed the book from start till end. At the start, I felt that the book was inspired by Stephanie Meyer’s, Twilight,...
Ms Gail doesn’t disappoint us once again with an action packed thriller with a strong story line and characters. Her characters seem to come to life right before our eyes and the way she brings everyone together is a talent in itself. Throwing cautions to the winds, her clues in the story are placed...
A well-constructed plot with the right kinds of twists and turns, Winter’s Touch had me gripped and captivated from the first page. As the story unfolded from the childhood of Evangeline Spencer who has a rather peculiar neighbour, the little girl wins our hearts with her inquisitive nature and inno...