Staggeringly beautiful.Find a quiet moment—an interval as precious as any—and give it over to this.I am undone. I am undone. I am undone.“I look, and I see things I would not have seen before. I don’t fool myself that I see all that he would have seen. But I see a great deal. It turns out that I see...
I never should have read this--14 years and I managed to find that pain again. May sleep allow me to forget.
4.5 starsClearly, despite the 'warning', I can be a masochist The writing is gorgeous. The story is gorgeous. The ending is gorgeous (despite the fact that it successfully made me cry). The only reason I can't give it 5-stars is because I kind of wish that there's more to it in the middle; because i...
*sobHorribly depressing. Most beautifully written.Not a traditional romance, but who cares.