Reviewed by: Rabid ReadsI was strangely drawn to this book; I love werewolves and have yet to read anything shelved under New Adult but the taboo Student / Teacher relationship was definitely a concern. Curiosity eventually got the best of me and I just couldn’t resist anymore. And then, I simply co...
Alpha Girl (Wolfling #1) by Kate Bloomfield Alpha Girl is a well written novel; I really enjoyed Kate Bloomfield writing. The characters were developed well I ended up really liking Rose and couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next. This story was medium length read, easy to read and it ...
I absolutely loved this book! The writing is flawlessly done and you can feel every emotion Rose goes through. Some things are a bit questionable with the story itself but it's obviously understood why the events happen. As an outsider myself, I found Rose very easy to relate to.I have to admit ther...