by Gennifer Albin
Probably a 3.5, but I'll have to think on it. Good pacing and twists, but I had no emotional connection. And there was a sub-plot that irritated the HECK out of me.
2.5 stars? God that hurts to say. I loved Crewel, it was so magical and I adored the way time was presented in the book. It seemed like it was a character. Altered didn't feel the same way. Obviously, it's not going to -- they're on earth instead of Arras, for one thing. But Adelice seems to be inde...
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I hate when people change the covers after the first book already came out with a different one.Especially when the first book's cover was gorgeous and the new ones are very unattractive [in comparison].Honestly it's enough to make me happy I only borrowed the first one rather than buy it because, a...