It’s the week before Easter, and a student from San Diego Theological Seminary has just been found murdered in a manner that is both brutal and unique. Carmen Rainmondi is the police detective assigned to the case, along with partner Bob Tock. And one murder with no leads soon turns into two, then …...
The story follows the lives of six special ops operatives and their immediate family. They live a kind of dual lives because they can never reveal what they really do. Their lives take an interesting turn with a simple phone call as three pairs of special ops soldiers move to a new assignment separa...
David Chambers is a biblical archaeologist who once explored the biblical sites because of his faith, but now that faith is as dead as King Herod he is contemplating a change in career direction. In this slightly futuristic thriller, a chance telephone call from a colleague in Israel brings the oppo...
Amazingly written, with a story that keeps you guessing. I look forward to reading other books by this author.
A real page-turner. The story really kept me involved. This is by far the best Alton Gansky novel I've read.
Sergent First Class Jerry Zinsser was a decorated hero, who after rehabilitation, was assigned to Sergent Major Eric Moyer's team as his new surveillance specialist. Moyer's Special Operations unit has been assigned to track down an Egyptian terrorist that uses women suicide bombers to fulfill his "...
I finished Alton Gansky's 'A Treasure Deep' the other day. When I saw it on sale and read the backcover, the Indiana Jones inside of me just couldn't resist. The book's plot revolves around one archaelogical dig containing a relic which will undoubtedly be the biggest discovery in modern history, ef...
A Martha Stewart type, Judith Find is a successful business woman at the top of the interior decorating market. Life as she knows it changes drastically when a special package is delivered to her office. Inside the package is a cell phone with a cryptic message for her. Someone knows something about...