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Always Faithful - Community Reviews back

by Isabella
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Jemology rated it 10 years ago
Implausible, cliched and stereotypical, yet lots of fun. The leads have incredible chemistry. Lots of delicious sexual tension right from the opening scene, even though the scene itself (and some others as well) stretched believability and raised some ethical questions. Best to check your logic at t...
CAB rated it 10 years ago
There were sections of this story that made me cringe but the ending was totally unexpected. I will give the next in the series a try to see if it gets better.
Jemology rated it 11 years ago
Definitely better than the first. Less Yakuza but more action, more suspense and more drama. One of my favorite reads of 2013. But seriously, isn't the author the owner of the publishing company? So why do typos still get through? It doesn't reflect well on the publisher.
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