For some reason it didn't grate on me and that's always a good thing :)
After a slightly shaky start, the book picks up beautifully. The heroine is 21 years old and to the world is a spoilt brat but in reality what she is, is a deeply unhappy woman, a pawn of her violent father. The heroine rebels even though she knows she will be punished and one such act is refusing t...
Seriously, the heroine of this book was just plain stupid. She kidnaps the hero thinking he is trying to interfere in her sister's upcoming wedding and even though the hero says he is not, the heroine doesn't want to accept that because it would mean opening her eyes to her sister's manipulation. Th...
Rating 2.5 starsI found the h shallow & whimsical, she is 22, does nothing but spend money, doesn't seem to have any ambition and seems to have a split personality, happy one moment, angry the next, it seems like she had swinging moods. I didn't see how the her put up with her,she is happy one momen...