by Jessica Freely
A bit slow in the beginning. It took me about halfway into the book for me to get a little interested. For a majority of the book I was annoyed because it was the typical hero save heroine (well hero since it's an m/m story) type of story. There wasn't really anything in the story that wow-ed me or...
This book sat in my wishlist for months because 1) it's kind of expensive and 2) I had some feelings of trepidation over how the author would handle the intersexed characters. In the end, I'm glad I bought and read it. I was surprised at how often Amaranth & Ash made me think of Ariel Tachna's The I...
Great cover, great characters, great story-line, great world-building. I must confess to being a little disturbed by the mention of "girly bits" in my M/M book but even that didn't quash my enjoyment of the book overly much.
This book gave me a wonderful new concept of Soul MatesNew and MARVELOUS, new concept...In a fictional time and place society is divided in casts. From the higher, the Elai to the lower, the Chel every single individual know their rules, and no questioning is allowed. Between this two great differen...
A good story. The writing was a little dry; nothing made me "react".
4 1/2 stars, just missed the 5 because of a way too long separation. Great book with some fantastic world building and a strong love story. I only wish it had been longer though. I wrote up a thorough review for a newsletter that I can't repost but it can be seen HERE .