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It was cool, though there was a point after which I couldn't follow what exactly was going on. Where am I? What day is it? I felt like a senile old person on the verge of dementia. That probably doesn't even make sense. I can't even tell anymore.This thing had me pretty off-kilter the entire time. T...
2.5The premise is interesting. I love the whole ground hog-esque replay Peat has to do in order to fix things but how did he start Repeating? Is he like a Jumper and it's something that manifested or is it something that he's chosen to do with his life or gifted in some way? It's a bit ambiguous for...
3.5*I LOVED the idea of this story, a bit of Quantum Leap meets Groundhog Day in much younger and more criminal version.I felt for both Peat and Jake.Peat is a 'Repeater' he ends up places and has to repeat the day again and again until he gets it resolved the way it needs to be. Not always a happy ...
Decent story, but the writing and editing were.... well.The writing was uneven. The pacing got better in the second half, but in the first half it was like, set up the story, set up the story, bam, all of a sudden we're in Jake's room getting it on. Huh? And then it kind of took a step back and made...