by Carl Rollyson
Let me get my quibbles out of the way first, because I want to focus on the strengths of this biography. I disagree strongly with Rollyson's decision to refer to Plath by what were apparently childhood nicknames early on in this biography. Throughout the book, he quietly switches between "Sylvia," "...
This book is boring and doesn't offer any new insights into SP's life. The author has a nasty habit of comparing Plath to other women (Marilyn Monroe, Susan Sontag) in ways that seem random until you realize he wrote biographies on them, too. Knowing that SP shared superficial similarities to two wo...
I can only imagine why a book with this title was remaindered. That aside, the tedious comparisons between Sylvia Plath and Marilyn Monroe really just helped pull this biography in a million directions, in addition to a half hearted analysis of all the biographies of Plath after her death. Either ma...