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Amy Mandelker
Amy Mandelker's Books
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Community Reviews
Calyre rated it 9 years ago
- Aimez ceux qui vous haïssent... murmura Dolly.Karénine eut un sourire de mépris: ces mots qu'il ne connaissait que trop bien, ne pouvaient s'appliquer à sa situation.- On peut aimer ceux qui vous haïssent, mais non point ceux que vous haïssez. Pardonnez-moi de vous avoir troublée, à chacun suffit ...
Helen Rena
Helen Rena rated it 10 years ago
Anna Karenina starts on a kind note: a loveless arranged marriage between a young woman named Anna and her much, much older husband starts crumbling because Anna falls in love with a young man. So yes, love between people of the same age, condemnation of arranged marriages, and all that. However, di...
Pitter Patter of Little Thoughts
Pitter Patter of Little Thoughts rated it 12 years ago
I finally finished this book after a freaking month and a half. I can't believe it, it's the longest I've ever spent reading a leisure book. But! I am glad I read it.This book reads a little like a 18th century soap, filled with drama about affairs and love interests and stealing people's boyfriends...
Aren's Library
Aren's Library rated it 12 years ago
Great book, but terribly sad. Learning lesson too.
nataliya rated it 12 years ago
As a daughter of a Russian literature teacher, it seems I have always known the story of Anna Karenina: the love, the affair, the train - the whole shebang. I must have ingested the knowledge with my mother's milk, as Russians would say.............My grandpa had an old print of a painting hanging i...
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