by Edward Kendrick
3.5 stars
This was a mystery with a little bit of romance thrown in. The book centered more on Pax's job and the mystery to solve more than the relationship between himself and Jordan. A good book, well written. I do wish that it had concentrated more on the relationship between Jordan and Pax more though.
I enjoyed the murder plot far more than the romance, tbh. I would have liked the author to give us more insight into Pax's head before he suddenly revealed how much he'd missed Jordy. There was no indication their previous relationship had been anything but a bit of fun for him before that.
3 1/2 HeartsFirst published at MM Good Book Reviews When Paxton was given an ultimatum by his father, many years ago, he caved in and did what his father wanted. But, he had to give up Jordan. Now, years later, Jor...