by Claire Higgins, Georgette Heyer
I can't make myself pick this up again...
Georgette Heyer is well known for her romances and technically this is a romance as it does contain some romances. A married couple settling differences, a secret marriage and a couple coming together after adversity. But that's only the surface of the novel. The story starts in Brussels, there's...
A book that started out very slowly for me, but once I got past fifty pages or so, I really started to enjoy it. The two leads are amusing and fun to read about, and I did want to smack Lady Barbara around a bit for being such a brat. The last third is the battle of Waterloo, and I have to say, it's...
Sequel to [b:Regency Buck|311127|Regency Buck|Georgette Heyer||2682174] and the Alaister series (start with These Old Shades, then Devil's Cub).
Georgette Heyer's masterpiece.
Probably the most tragic of all Heyer’s books; there were points when I couldn’t see because of the tears. But that’s only possible because Heyer manages to bring Waterloo and the events which led to it vividly to life. [Mar. 2010]