by Emma Tennant
A sequel to Pride and Prejudice this would today be referred to as Fanfic. It follows the lives of Darcy and Elizabeth and their children, the dissolute Edward and the almost-perfect MIranda. Not as good as the original, it echoes Jane Austen but fails to reach the bar.
my review of Pemberley: Or Pride and Prejudice Continuedsilly little me decided to check both books anyway, I didn;t finish either one, actually I gave up so fast (before you can say "are you trying to tempt me, Mrs. Robinson?")but I stille feel the need to warn the lost souls out there; please, I b...
A sequel to Pride and Prejudice this would today be referred to as Fanfic. It follows the lives of Darcy and Elizabeth and their children, the dissolute Edward and the almost-perfect MIranda.Not as good as the original, it echoes Jane Austen but fails to reach the bar.