by Kate Poole
I'm not usually a big fan of menage stories for anything more than a dirty diversion. But Anchor and Storm is more than just a sexy romp. It's a love story. --I know, I know, I've seen the cover too. But I promise, there is more to this book than meets the eye.Emily was governess to Edgar's nephew...
Apologies, milady. I’m afraid, but historical and leisurely elucidated romances of making love through a spell of feathery kisses, that’s just not my cup of tea.
What a wonderful, sweet book. Loved it. Review coming soon.
WOW. I wasn’t expecting to be so blown away by this read, but I was. The cover of the book is entirely misleading. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely hot, but there is so much more to it than just the sex in Anchor and Storm.Edgar Armstrong is dying of a wasting disease and although he has found a ...
This one really surprised me as you rarely find a really good erotica/romantica story with so much depth and reality. Nothing about this story felt contrived, false or forced. It was a beautiful, if not different (m/f/m), historical love story. I typically prefer the more mainstream m/f romances, b...