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And All the Stars - Community Reviews back

by Andrea K. Höst
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VeganCleopatra rated it 10 years ago
If I had seen the tagline "Come for the apocalypse. Stay for cupcakes. Die for love." I probably would have skipped this one altogether. Cupcakes? Love? Is this sci-fucking-fi or what?First of all, the writing style was poor. The writing was unclear, especially in the perilous situations, such as th...
Rabbit Reads
Rabbit Reads rated it 11 years ago
I thought this was a decently-written apocalyptic love story.
On Starships and Dragonwings
On Starships and Dragonwings rated it 11 years ago
I received And All the Stars by Andrea K. Höst for review ages ago (like last year I’m pretty sure) and just never found time for it which makes me so sad in hindsight. I haven’t read a lot of alien YA (5th Wave is still waiting!), so it was a lot of fun to dive in with And All the Stars. First thin...
Library Liz·ard
Library Liz·ard rated it 11 years ago
I was surprised to see that this was a stand alone when about halfway through I couldn't imagine how Höst would wrap this up satisfactorily. I'm thoroughly pleased to confirm that she masterfully achieves a satisfying conclusion that really impressed me. This was a different sort of dystopian novel ...
Unraveling Words
Unraveling Words rated it 12 years ago
Isn't that cover beautiful? I actually read this one on cover alone. I'm usually not a fan of aliens but what the hell I decided to give it a go and I was not disappointed!I'll admit at the start I was kinda lost. I had no clue what was going but maybe that was kind of the point since the MC is just...
Pay It Forward
Pay It Forward rated it 12 years ago
Im just in awe of the premise. I wasn't a huge fan of the ending, but Im still a big fan of this piece of work. Noteworthy is the fact that if someone had of given me cliff notes or a summary, i'd probably have judged it and disregarded it as a bit loopy and supremely sci-fi. But having actually rea...
Pauline's Fantasy Reviews
Pauline's Fantasy Reviews rated it 12 years ago
Fantasy Review BarnI don't read many young adult books, but I do read everything by Andrea K Höst, so this was a must for me. It's the author's first venture into post-apocalypse fantasy, and it begins, literally, after the apocalypse - the very instant after, as main character Madeleine finds herse...
grapeapril75 rated it 12 years ago
What a fantastic read!! The characters are wonderfully engaging and the story has so many great curves and turns. It was a imaginative concept with a terrific narrative. I was hooked from the first page!Madeleine is such a relatable character. It is refreshing to see a normal girl facing extreme pro...
Heartless Lyn @ Great Imaginations
Heartless Lyn @ Great Imaginations rated it 12 years ago
Read this review on Great Imaginations!With a description that opens with an apocalypse and cupcakes, I was almost a little hesitant to begin to guess what kind of book I was getting into when I started. I really didn’t have high expectations for a story that added something so cutesy in the openin...
Reading a Thousand Lives
Reading a Thousand Lives rated it 12 years ago
It's so hard not to give this five stars for the ending alone, but in the middle there was a time in which I grew bored and felt myself not wanting to read it as much as I had in the beginning. Thus the four star rating. Once I got through that snag though, everything happened in brilliant quick suc...
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