by Dawn Kurtagich
This is a difficult book to review because it was a difficult book to read. Much of the story was repetitive, confusing and dreamlike and honestly I think I was too distracted at this moment in time to allow myself to fall into its world. I also had difficulty connecting to the characters. It felt l...
Rating: 1 StarThis is a really weird book...nuff' said...
I was looking for more in this novel, something more horrifying and eerie than what I found. I guess I thought this novel would be creepy or scary but for me, it was neither. I was tempted to put the novel aside a few times and move on but I finished it, for there was something about the Creeper Man...
I really, REALLY want this book to be adapted by Guillermo Del Toro. It is exactly the kind of story his movies tend to be about. If you like Pan's Labyrinth or The Orphanage, I really think you'll enjoy this book. It's a horror story but it's also a fairy tale and it will make you sad. So, Mr. Del ...