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Am I the only one who was bored with this book? Every scene was played out not once, not twice but several times. I guess to convey the tediousness, but it got to the point where it was too much. And for such a large book, the ending was abrupt to me. There should have been some kind of point where ...
wow do I not find anyone in this engaging. like being dropped into someone's fanfic in a fandom you don't read but she's not pulling it off.
wow do I not find anyone in this engaging. like being dropped into someone's fanfic in a fandom you don't read but she's not pulling it off.
[I received a copy of this novel through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.]Good ideas in terms of world building, although in general, I found the novel a little confusing.Lots of concepts introduced here, with references to our world: Prytennia is obviously Britain, the Roman Empire and ...
Darest is a country in decline. When it still had Rathens and Rathen Champions, it was powerful, but it's been two hundred years since the death of the last Rathen. It's a shock to everyone when the Rathen Rose reacts to Soren, a nobody in the court, and proclaims her the newest Rathen Champion. Sor...