The Gargoyle: the mesmerizing story of one man's descent into personal hell and his quest for salvation. On a dark road in the middle of the night, a car plunges into a ravine. The driver survives the crash, but his injuries confine him to a hospital burn unit. There the mysterious Marianne Engel, a...
I'll be completely honest with you, I only picked up this book because the cover seduced me. A woman's back is a lovely thing, and I dig tattoos, so sue me. I surely did not expect to find the story I read within the pages of this book. Right off the bat, I commend the author for creating such a mov...
What an exceptional debut novel. I am so glad I didn’t know about the hype surrounding this novel when I started reading it, as I had absolutely no expectations.There is a gruesome crash at the beginning of the book, and a realistic medical description of burn treatments that may be too graphic for ...
This book follows two story lines. The narrator’s story is in real-time, while Marianne’s takes place in Germany during the fourteenth century. The two stories weave together in a way that feels natural. These two are accompanied by Marianne’s other stories of love that she tells the narrator by his...
Ignored the hype around this book and went in expecting to either make it half way before I gave up or forgot about it instantly. How wrong I was, this book simply blew me away and stayed with me for a long time after I had finished it. It does drag at a few points, but given the quality of the sto...