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A nice story that is reminiscient of Edgar Rice Burrough's Barsoom novels. Esau Cairn, a man born out of his time on earth, seeks exile on another planet. Our hero finds himself among strange creatures, who force him to return to man's natural state of honorable barbarism. His journey acro...
I'm being generous in my rating. Really, the book doesn't deserve more than a 1.5, a 1.75 at most. I don't think I could have finished it if it had been much longer than the 100 or so pages in my edition (I downloaded it from Amazon's Kindle Store but I can't stand not having a book cover so I'm arc...
The villains of this book, the Yagas, live "in the grim city of Yugga, on the rock Yuthla, by the river Yogh, in the land of Yagg." How can you not love that? That this is repeated at least five times throughout the novel, is wonderful.I didn't actually read this, per se. My girlfriend read it to me...