Andrew King
Andrew King is an astronomer interested in black holes and how they shape the galaxies they inhabit. He is Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Leicester, UK.
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Andrew King is an astronomer interested in black holes and how they shape the galaxies they inhabit. He is Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Leicester, UK.
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Andrew King's Books
A story about perseverance for budding--or flourishing--engineers, both big and small. Engibear sets out to create a "Bearbot" to help him get his work done. The book counts through the various prototypes and why each doesn't work until the engineer finally is successful with Bearbot Type Ten. Benja...
práve som prekladala knihy a narazila som na toto a spomenula som si, že z tej knihy som robila snáď všetky pokusy čo tam sú a prečítala som ju minimálne 100 krát, jednoznačne naj kniha môjho detstva :D