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Andrew Meredith
Andrew Meredith's Books
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Community Reviews
Blah, Blah, Blah, Book Blog
Blah, Blah, Blah, Book Blog rated it 10 years ago
Here is the problem with reading a book on my kindle. When I have a nice, old-fashioned book, I can put it on my shelf and think about it for a while before I read it. I can rearrange my to-read pile, and glance at a blurb or two without actually diving in, and I don’t feel like I’m cheating on the ...
Ryan DeJonghe - The Avid Reader
Ryan DeJonghe - The Avid Reader rated it 10 years ago
Come on, I wanted more dead bodies! Yes, I know I’m a sicko, but the description made THE REMOVERS sound fifty percent love-you-dad and fifty percent eww-that’s-gross. What I got was about ninety percent hug-fest and ten percent blood-bombs. The writing is good. For instance, visualize as you re...
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