Andy Cohen
Birth date: June 02, 1968
Andy Cohen's Books
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I Picked Up This Book Because: I didn’t know this book existed so of course I had to listen once I discovered it. I would like to be friends with Andy Cohen. He lives such a fabulous life and has such great stories. I loved hearing about his beginnings at CBS and his endless love for Oprah and Susa...
It truly is a diary. Don't be reading this if you're looking for a cohesive narrative, but you enjoy an entertaining stream of consciousness, then this is your book! Andy Cohen knows EVERYBODY! And he seems to have an opinion or three on them all. This was really a very entertaining read, so m...
I love Andy and Wakka. Serious I just want to know what he’s doing everyday forever.
While rather amusing, I was a little disappointed in this book... I was expecting a lot more stories about the Real Housewives and other Bravo stories. Instead I got more of a life story of him, which again while funny, wasn't what I was expecting when I picked up this book.
AUDIO VERSION - My love for Andy Cohen knows no bounds. I adored this book - Andy reads it! - about everything from his childhood obsession with 'All My Children' to his relationships with the Housewives. Loved this book, and pop culture fans will adore it as well. Detailed review to come.