by Brian Lynch, Franco Urru
*Book source ~ Library From Goodreads: In possibly the craziest Angel volume yet, we find out what happened to Gunn, Drusilla, Angel, and Spike in the aftermath of the Fall, which includes comas, insane asylums, a comic con, and even Angel’s movie adaptation. With stories by fan-favorite writer Br...
The first couple of stories were fantastic and had amazing art and then everything just went downhill. Mostly, this was separate stories that felt mostly untethered from the rest of the story, whereas in five I had the sense of not only when things happened but an actual story arc. (A stupid st...
This volume was better than the last, but mostly not that great. There's four stories here. The first, with Gunn and Illyria, is a post-After the Fall storyline. It does little other than to catch us up on those characters. Next is a Drusilla story, co-written by Juliet Landau. I was surprised by ho...