9783867175722 (3867175721)
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Angelology (#1)
Magnificent read! I would have given this a standing ovation had I not been so comfortably tucked in bed when I finished it. It involves a group of people called angelologists (a secret society, if you will), who study, in particular, the Nephilim (the offspring of the sons of God and the daughters ...
Lettura piacevole ma meno appassionante di quello che mi sarei aspettata leggendo la descrizione...
Despite angels and demons, the book felt curiously bland to me, and apathy neatly sums up basically my entire reaction to the book. When I read it, I had not yet really read many "urban fantasies" and found the idea of suit-wearing angels strange and unwieldy. Basically my opinion was that if you wr...
~~Moved from GR~~ Despite angels and demons, the book felt curiously bland to me, and apathy neatly sums up basically my entire reaction to the book. When I read it, I had not yet really read many "urban fantasies" and found the idea of suit-wearing angels strange and unwieldy. Basically my opinio...
Generally, I think Trussoni put in a lot of effort to make her style elegant and sophisticated but failed at the basics a bit too often. I could go on, but it's probably best to stop and not get into too much details and spoilers. All in all, Angelology is an interesting book, but it has too many ...