This was an awesome read. I enjoyed reading about Kate and Logan and their parents (I think everyone's favorite WOTO couple!) I loved the end.
Nice short tale about Elena and Clay. The mystery isn't so mysterious, and quite frankly, I found the ending fight scene to be a little too predictable (why not have Nick do something?).However, what makes the novella a winner is the development of the family relationships in the Danvers clan. Tha...
I saw the cover and a few of the illustrations in the book and thought it would read as a graphic novel. It didn't. I then saw the author calling this a novella, but it's a pretty big novella so I'm not going to categorize it as that. Elena and Clay are taking the kids on a little excursion aroun...
A nice trip to visit the HEA lives of Clay and Elena.
A nice trip to visit the HEA lives of Clay and Elena.