Ann Waldron
Birth date: December 14, 1924
Died: July 02, 2010
Ann Waldron's Books
This biography of Eudora Welty is unauthorized—but not because the author wanted to say anything negative about her subject. No, indeed, Ann Waldron writes with a nearly fawning reverence. But Welty was immovably opposed to all biographies whatsoever, and furthermore told all her friends and acquain...
Bad. Like for serious bad. And I've read all the others; It's now clear why this was the last one. Was Waldron under contract so just churned out a mess and said here? The plot is bad; the characters are inconsistent from their past; and the main characterin a mystery should never be both absent fro...
...because everyone needs a little bit of brain vacation while in the midst of rigorous academic research...
Sigh. Yep. It's the third in a series that is quite typically in the mystery genre, and I do mean all the stock-character connotations that go along with that. But they are light and enjoyable, like ice cream. And they are set in academia, a little reading weakness of mine. So :P.