Beth Havelock has always felt attracted to the sea and when a handsome stranger washes up on a beach she is attracted and curious, he's a selkie, seal-kin and he's attracted to her too. Dylan is being hunted by a group determined to control paranormal creatures, and Beth is now in their radar Ente...
While I'm all for a story featuring a were-equine as H, this really suffers from a dearth of background. I don't get the sense that the author HAS a world built for this either. Too bad too because with a little more background from the H's people, it would have been really good. Well, that and m...
Laura Anne Gilman is an autobuy author for me, so when I discover she had a new Paranormal Romance out under the name of Anna Leonard, I snapped it up. And I am glad I did. I fell in love with this story. The shapeshifting unicorns felt unique, and was a welcome relief from the standard shapes...
3.5 to 4 starsThis was better than I was expecting. I wanted to read it because the hero is a were-unicorn. That sounded a little ridiculous, but Josh turned out to be a pretty cool guy. This book has action, evil villains who want to alter the path of humanity, and likable heroes. It dragged a ...
Found this at Walmart. Yay!!!