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Anne Fine - Community Reviews back

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PijanaPoMalinach rated it 12 years ago
Narratorem opowieści jest kot Tuffy. Kiedy go poznajemy, w jego życiu następuje zmiana. Tuffy zostaje sam.Właściciele Tuffy’ego, których on nazywa rodziną, wyjeżdżają po prostu na tygodniowy urlop i kotem ma się zająć mieszkający w sąsiedztwie pastor. Tuffy cieszy się czekającą go wolnością, ale nie...
PijanaPoMalinach rated it 12 years ago
„Dziennik kota mordercy” to mini-powieść dla dzieci, autorstwa Annie Fine, która z pewnością spodoba się także starszym miłośnikom kotów. Książka przedstawia tydzień z życia kota Tuffiego, który opisuje reakcje rodziny na swoje typowo kocie poczynania – czyli znoszenie do domu coraz to nowych, martw...
There's more to life than reading, but it's a good place to start
I read this as a child and then again more recently, now as an adult (when did THAT happen ?!!) when I found it knocked down the back of the book case, gathering dust. And it still freaks me out a little .... Natalie, your typical boring and bored 10 year old one day meets Tulip in the fields behi...
Ellinor's Litventures
Ellinor's Litventures rated it 12 years ago
One morning Bill wakes up and he's a girl! He now is wearing a pink dress and everyone treats him in a different way.Bill's New Frock deals with clichees in a very funny and thought-provoking way. In the end you really wonder if it's better to be a boy or a girl!
To Shoot or Not to Shoot
To Shoot or Not to Shoot rated it 12 years ago
Aarggh. I have enjoyed Anne Fines books in the past - but this one I read the first few chapters, flicked through the rest and read the last chapter. I can see it might inspire some people but maybe I'm finally growing out of my adolescence.
Twirling Book Princess
Twirling Book Princess rated it 12 years ago
Really loved this story, also liked the lesson the prince learned. :)
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 14 years ago
I love surprise pressies!A collection of stories to raise money for Breast Cancer Care in association with Woman and Home, introduced by Geri Halliwell.A great way to find out about authors.
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 14 years ago
Started Friday 28th Jan with a very messy bedroomMoralistic tale about hoarding
Kaethe rated it 18 years ago
It was okay, but I didn't think it was all that funny. Nor did I like the cat's voice.
thebookcoop rated it 27 years ago
Read a long time ago, can't quite remember what it's about any more, may have to re-visit.
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