Admittedly, mine cuppeth hast been overflowing on the first part from very early on this series—and trilogy—nor am I qualified to analyse all the ways Hobb fails in writing about the tattooed slaves, so this is going to be a short review. Again. This trilogy has all the melodrama and angsty plot t...
This is one of those classics I was never able to get very far into. The first time I got the whole gist of the story was watching the Olivier-Oberon film some time back, which surprised me with how much I disliked every single soul in the story. Last year I finally got determined to crack the shel...
This second book is written historically. Virginia and Owen seem to work well together with their talents and are drawn to each other. As the violence of their fight against the automons rises, so does their feeling for each other and their passions. They dodge danger and gaslight fire to solve the ...
3.5* A cute historical romance with a mystery plot.
Laced with errors in tense, misplaced modifiers, and bogged down in minutiae, Red to Black is the slowest read I've endured in a long time. It is marketed as a thriller, a spy story, a love story, and according to Emma Thompson "unputdownable". Stephen Fry says it is "brilliant and unforgettable" ...